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UAE Muslims urged to look for the crescent moon on Monday

The UAE’s Moon-sighting committee has urged Muslims to look for the crescent moon on Monday evening.
Eid’s starting date and the end of the Ramadan will be confirmed by the Moon-sighting committee.
On Saturday, the committee asked Muslims to try to sight the Moon on the evening of Monday, the 29th day of Ramadan.
The first day of the month of Shawwal marks the beginning of Eid Al Fitr, signalling the end of the month-long fast for Muslims
Like Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr’s start date will be confirmed by the UAE’s Moon-sighting committee.
It includes astronomers, court officials and advisers from the Emirates’ Islamic authority.
They look for the new crescent moon, which means that Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar, can begin.
In Saudi Arabia, Eid Al Fitr holiday for the public and private sector have already been confirmed.
The kingdom’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development said employees across the country would get four working days off from April 8 before returning to work on April 14.
Eid Al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan.
It is a celebratory occasion marked by morning prayers, family get-togethers, the giving of gifts, as well as charitable donations.
A public holiday accompanies Eid Al Fitr, with many people taking time off work to travel abroad or take short trips in the region.
