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Quit-Tok: Latest workplace trend that job experts are cautioning against

How do you resign from a job? Ideally, you would put down your papers after discussing with your manager or HR. In a recent trend, however, people are doing something unusual while quitting. They are live streaming their resignation for the whole world to see. This increasingly viral trend, especially on TikTok, is being termed Quit-Tok.
This “loud quitting on social media” has gained immense popularity among the younger workforce, reported Fox Business. Under this, the employees are recording themselves while tendering their resignations, capturing the real-time moment when they quit.
The moment of live-quitting can feel satisfactory for many. However, job experts are urging people not to do it, reported Fox Business. As per the experts, the long-term consequences of quitting in such a way outweigh the momentary fun.
24-year-old Paige from Florida is someone took up the Quit-Tok trend and live-streamed her resignation from her job. However, she told Fox Business that she later regretted her actions.
“It was not the mature thing to do, and my parents were on my back about it. I now have a new job,” she shared. “It seems like a cool way to show that you have power over others, but the next day, I felt like it was stupid,” she added.
As per the outlet, experts also say it can impact the future employment prospects of a person as this practice is seen as unprofessional, and there is a “revenge element” attached to it.
“This often includes publicly dragging their employers for alleged misconduct in some way,” Neil Costa, the Boston-based founder and CEO of HireClix, told Fox Business. “Similar to a train wreck that you can’t look away from, these videos are so shocking that they’re going viral,” Costa added.
What are your thoughts on this viral Quit-Tok trend?
